
Letters to the Editor: Duncan Hunter’s voters will go without representation. It’s their own fault

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To the editor: Former Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) will probably go to jail after pleading guilty to using campaign contributions for his personal benefit. The vacancy in the House created by the departure of this felon will leave the citizens in California’s 50th District without representation for the coming year.

Given that those same voters had ample and compelling evidence of Hunter’s behavior before his election and still voted for him, it’s hard to feel too badly for their temporary lack of representation.

Their man’s mantra of being victimized by a witch-hunting, liberal media should serve as a cautionary tale for his gullible supporters. It should resonate as well with a significantly larger portion of the electorate who have given a free pass to a more exalted politician who lies to them with impunity each and every day.


Daniel Kimber, Montrose


To the editor: Hunter pleaded guilty to crimes that were obvious and brazen. He should have resigned long ago but didn’t, choosing instead to continue abusing the public’s trust by accepting his congressional salary.

Now in a further insult, he will probably receive a federal pension that includes benefits based on his 11 years in Congress. No wonder politicians are held in such high regard.

Will there be no end to this nonsense?

Maurice Garcia, Thousand Oaks
