
Letters to the Editor: White candidates got wall-to-wall coverage. Look who’s left on the debate stage

Democratic debate
Joe Biden speaks as the other Democratic presidential candidates listen during their debate in Des Moines on Jan. 14, 2020.
(Getty Images)
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To the editor: Media outlets including the Los Angeles Times need to take a large share of responsibility for the dearth of minority presidential candidates. (“Democrats are headed toward a white nominee. The vice president needs to be a person of color,” Opinion, Jan. 13)

The paltry column inches devoted to Andrew Yang, Julian Castro and other people of color in the Democratic race pale in comparison with the wall-to-wall coverage of Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg. This reminds me of the Sports section’s coverage of the WNBA — so few lines, then commentary on how the league still struggles to draw fans.

Even Buttigieg’s music playlist got its own article once. The writer noted Buttigieg’s “eclectic” taste in pop music, when it really was the whitest white-boy musical taste


Representation matters, so let’s see a broader representation of who’s out there.

Carmen Wisdom, Lancaster


To the editor: It is important to have representative government that doesn’t exclude any group. But identity politics that suggests we select someone just for having darker skin color is another form of racism.

In the photo with this article, Julian Castro and Cory Booker are shown with Elizabeth Warren. While neither of them was in the most recent Democratic debate, should we console ourselves that there was at least a self-professed Native American participant?

Thomas Einstein, Santa Monica


To the editor: If op-ed article writer Noah Berlatsky is seeking a “way to bring the party’s leadership in line with its constituents,” then this article should include the consideration of a woman of any color as vice president.

Unless, ideally, we get one at the top of the ticket.

Laura Owen, Pacific Palisades
