
Letters to the Editor: Adam Schiff’s rousing defense of American democracy will be impeachment’s legacy

Rep. Adam Schiff
House impeachment manager Rep. Adam B. Schiff speaks during the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump on Jan. 23.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Listening to House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff speak about the need to convict President Trump brought me to tears. As he explained why this president, who puts his own personal interest above those of our country, needs to be removed, he made an impassioned plea to all Americans.

Do we honor truth and what is right? If not, we are lost. This is a time when divisiveness and partisan politics must be set aside. Our nation faces the loss of its foundational democratic principles and constitutional system of checks and balances if Trump is not removed from power. The United States is a country based on the rule of law and equal justice for all, and no one, not even the president, is above the law.

Soon we will vote in the 2020 election. May we remember Schiff’s words and consider the legacy we want to leave for future generations.


Barbara Gunther, Irvine


To the editor: The House managers presented a devastating account of Trump’s and his enablers’ attempt to extort Ukraine and undermine the upcoming 2020 election. Their case was comprehensive and ironclad -- this, despite the administration’s unprecedented stonewalling and refusal to provide subpoenaed documents and witnesses, which is the just basis for the second article of impeachment.

But it’s not just Trump who’s on trial here, it’s also the Republican majority in the Senate and the GOP as a whole.

Trump himself famously opined as a candidate in 2016 that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue in New York and not lose any voters. This prompts the question: If he were to do that, would any of these Republican senators vote to remove him from office?

Paul Schiffer, Studio City


To the editor: Many of the Republican senators sitting as jurors in the trial of the 45th president of the United States have passed important laws and worked hard on behalf of the American people for many years.


But if they prevent new documents and witnesses to be part of the trial, their legacy won’t be their hard work and important laws, it will be the cover-up that allowed Trump to escape removal.

I hope they think about that as they make their decision when they have one final opportunity to vote on that issue.

Elaine Lubkin, Los Angeles


To the editor: Here’s what children watching impatient senators have learned about what to do if called to jury duty:

Disregard the prohibition about talking to other jurors; it’s fine to whisper or pass notes. If the trial is really boring, go ahead and read a book, especially if you have made up your mind and do not need to hear the facts. It’s also OK to request a bathroom break and then use your phone to tweet about the proceedings.

Oh, and if there’s time during the recess, head out to the news cameras and give an interview.


It is true that the senators are not under the same restrictions as regular jurors, but really, do our kids know that? This is patriotic duty role modeling at its worst.

Carole Urie-Chickering, Laguna Beach


To the editor: Are the poor senators bored? I guess it would be too much to ask for them to do their jobs.

Maybe if they lost their current job they could find something more fun.

Daniel McVey, Los Angeles
