
Letters to the Editor: Yeah, Trump is lazy, but underestimating him is dangerous

Pence and Trump
President Trump speaks as Vice President Mike Pence listens during the daily White House coronavirus briefing on April 16.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: If y’all remember, underestimating Donald Trump (and more importantly, the people who think for him) was what got us him as president in the first place. He is a limited political tactician, though ruthless and canny, but people like his former strategist Steve Bannon more than make up for his shortcomings. (“Why hasn’t Trump employed his powers during the coronavirus crisis? He’s too lazy,” Opinion, April 12)

Devolving power to the governors, hijacking their shipments of medical supplies with no explanation and refusing to ramp up testing all create the greater chaos that ultimately could allow for more draconian decrees. Refusing to fully fund the U.S. Postal Service, for example, would eliminate the possibility of voting by mail.

Understanding that, first, there is no measure he would not try or accept to stay in power, and second, there is a team of people working on that round the clock, is the only intelligent assumption now and right up to election day.


Mitch Paradise, Los Angeles


To the editor: In all my years of reading the Los Angeles Times, I have never seen an op-ed article as vile and incoherent as the one by Windsor Mann. His hatred of Trump is obvious, but worse is his unfocused babbling and wandering argumentation.

Surely the L.A. Times can find someone better than this to criticize Trump.

Richard Friedman, Culver City



To the editor: Don’t let Mann’s true words about Trump’s laziness cause you to bring your guard down.

Even considering his deadly inaction on the COVID-19 pandemic, remember all the truly negative things his loyalist helpers have accomplished under his verbal direction, even with his obvious indolence.

The president’s brutish verbal manner tends to bring the worst effort out of everyone around him, even among already self-serving Republican leaders.

Jim Hoover, Huntington Beach
