
Letters to the Editor: If white America wants racial progress, it must stop supporting politicians like Trump

Trump rally
Supporters of President Trump cheer during a campaign rally in Tulsa, Okla., in June.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Any time there is progress in society, there is a rebuff in reaction. As Gloria Steinem said, lynchings became common not during slavery, but after emancipation. (“‘Something is not right.’ George Floyd protests push white Americans to think about their privilege,” June 28)

I call that the “Fugitive Slave Law Theory.” After slaves became successful in fleeing to freedom in the North, Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, requiring that ex-slaves found in a free state be returned back to slavery in the South.

When Barack Obama was elected president, it appeared that America had made progress on race relations. But then came the rebuff in the form of Donald Trump’s victory. Our current president thrives on blaming and dividing, and he has signaled support for white nationalism.


If we are to progress and continue to be a global leader, white America truly has to have a change of heart. It must support a forward-thinking, unifying leader, and not some anachronistic politician whose thought process is from the 19th century.

Paulette Mashaka, Carson


To the editor: I have been re-watching episodes of “The West Wing,” which began more than 20 years ago. It is still very relevant because most of the issues that the fictional Bartlett administration addressed are still not resolved in real life.


So, understand my cynicism when I read that we white people have opened our eyes to racism and will be active from now on in helping make real positive changes.

Am I the only one who remembers way back to 2018 when we were sure those Florida high school students would be the tipping point on gun laws?

Parrish Nelson Hirasaki, Culver City
