
Letters to the Editor: Evidently, Trump thinks progressives are monsters. We’re really pretty boring

President Trump gestures with arms outstretched while speaking from the White House South Lawn at the Republican convention
President Trump speaks from the South Lawn of the White House on the final day of the Republican National Convention on Thursday.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: I must now proclaim to the conservative sector that I, as a progressive Democrat, am not a foaming-at-the-mouth anarchist. I have no poster of Che Guevara on my living room wall. (“Trump stands alone at the RNC, atop a party remade in his image,” news analysis, Aug. 28)

I do not, repeat, I do not want to destroy the United States, and at various times in my 45-year career, I have had to swear an oath to that effect with a lie detector running. So who actually believes that I want to go out and loot discount shoes?

Democrats are just your neighbors, mowing our lawns and hoping our children and grandchildren will have bright, happy and successful futures.


If you were in Oakland, near Lake Merritt, in January 2017, the day after President Trump was inaugurated, this is what you would have seen: young families wearing their down jackets, ski caps and mufflers. Many pushed strollers with one, or even two, young toddlers. People were exercising their 1st Amendment rights.

I reject the notion that because we are progressive, we want to destroy America.

Kenneth Luey, Culver City


To the editor: “I alone” was the prominent message in the Republican convention, an event that openly defied the Hatch Act, which prohibits most executive branch employees from engaging in political activities.


Indeed, the event seemed more like the crowning of a king than something promoting the reelection of a sitting president.

Notable was the imagery: the president and first lady emerging on a White House balcony like Queen Elizabeth II speaking from the royal balcony at Buckingham Palace. And Trump, alone, walking the distinguished corridor of the people’s house, Marine guards opening the doors on cue.

The spectacle of self-congratulations and fabrications was expected. Appalling were the crowds of mask-free, cheering supporters in jeopardy as the coronavirus searched for its prey.


Marsha Markman, Woodland Hills


To the editor: I was surprised to learn that Trump and Socrates had something in common. They both famously used the phrase “I alone.”

Socrates said: “The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.”

Trump said, on the other hand … well, you know.

Gail Moore, West Hollywood


To the editor: Responding to concerns that government officials violated the Hatch Act during the Republican convention, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said, “Nobody outside of the Beltway really cares.”

I live outside the Beltway, and I care that our elected officials are egregiously abusing rules on ethics and fairness. And I care that the president’s chief of staff thinks no one will pay attention to this shameful behavior.


Susan Stevens, Pasadena


To the editor: Is it possible that punishment for violating the Hatch Act can include lifetime servitude at the U.S. Postal Service, sorting the mail by hand?

Andy Sydney, North Hills
