
Letters to the Editor: Preaching the gospel of climate change is important. But we need practical solutions

The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in Orange County.
(Ben Stansall / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: The Dalai Lama believes we must act on climate change. That is no surprise and we should pay attention. But while many people are now willing to take action, the problem is that they do not have sufficient information to make the best decisions.

If I want to buy a piece of fruit and want to choose between an apple or banana, I have little information to decipher which choice is responsible for the least fossil carbon pollution.

If fossil carbon pollution is properly priced, all our decisions will be the best ones for climate change — because they will be the best ones for our budget. This will give everyone the incentive to make the best choices possible.


Jim Martin, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Certainly, the Dalai Lama and Greta Thunberg are impressive catalysts for the “let’s do things to fight climate change” movement. But they, like most of the public, are not engineers or physicists. In order for the public and politicians to support efforts to change our energy consumption and the conduct our daily lives, we need to know what specific options exist, the costs for those options and how long development will take.

I have just completed reading “Drawdown,” a book edited by Paul Hawken, which details 78 (yes, 78!) plans to reverse global warming. The technicalities are carefully summarized in plain language. Media, such as The Times, should be giving a voice to those who can similarly explain such innovations, so that people know what can be done within a reasonable time frame in order to save our planet.


Seymour R. Levin, Los Angeles


To the editor: I’m tired of empty platitudes about fighting climate change from leaders (religious or secular). If the Dalai Lama has a serious suggestion for fighting climate change, I would love to hear it. But telling us again how important it is is just wasted space.

He does mention that he doesn’t have children, but fails to mention that’s a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.


Rob H. Aft, Rancho Park
