
Letters to the Editor: Trumpism is a dangerous way of doing politics. Let’s hope it ends with Trump

President Trump speaks during a campaign rally Oct. 21 in Gastonia, N.C.
President Trump speaks during a campaign rally Oct. 21 in Gastonia, N.C.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Doyle McManus is a fine journalist, but he gives President Trump too much credit by positing that so-called Trumpism is a possible future direction for the Republican Party.

Trump has never learned to govern. He brought his “you’re fired” TV persona to the White House, imbued it with the huge power of the presidency and refused to do anything but follow his own instincts and interests.

The crowds at his rallies, even amid a pandemic, are cheering him as that TV guy who entertains them. But our European allies are shaking their heads over how the American people could take seriously a person with such uncontrolled behavior who is obviously so unfit for the most important job in the world.


To think that what he has brought to the White House could remain as a possible future direction for the Republican Party is more than scary.

Liselotte Millauer, Hollywood


To the editor: McManus identifies potential new leaders of the Republican Party; other than the “good grief” mention of Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, his analysis seems reasonable.


McManus also speculates on the president’s future endeavors: return to the family business (did he ever leave?), launch a television network, stay in politics or even run for president again (heaven help us).

McManus leaves out one very real possibility: Trump may have time ample time to contemplate his options if one of the investigations against him results in charges, a conviction and time behind bars once he leaves the protective walls of the White House.

James Zimring, Tarzana



To the editor: McManus states that former Vice President Joe Biden “has made bland normalcy into a virtue.”

If the Senate turns Democratic, will normalcy under Biden include getting rid of the filibuster, court packing, and statehood for Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico?

While Trump may have undermined many political norms, is the country ready for a progressive takeover by the far left of the Democratic Party?

Janet Polak, Beverly Hills
