
Letters to the Editor: Mike Pence is acting like an abused spouse. We will too if we don’t charge Trump

President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence arrive for a media briefing at the White House on Nov. 24, 2020.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Vice President Mike Pence is behaving as a battered partner would. (“How likely is it that Trump will face criminal prosecution after leaving office?” Jan. 9)

He has been lied to, he has been undermined, he has been threatened, he has been ridiculed, and his own wife and daughter were put in clear danger because they too were at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. For some unknown reason, he does not seize the moment for any consequence to the perpetrator of these attacks on him, his family and democracy, namely his political boss of the past four years, President Trump.

This is what abused partners do when they experience learned helplessness. They freeze.

What more does he need to realize that it is time to invoke the 25th Amendment and allow him and this nation to move forward?


Lise Spiegel, Encino

The writer is a licensed psychologist.


To the editor: In 2017, Trump obstructed justice during the special counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.


In 2019, he obstructed justice during the House investigation of his Ukraine dealings — dealings that amounted to an attempt to cheat in the 2020 election — by ordering officials not to comply with subpoenas.

On June 1, 2020, he directed federal agents to forcefully clear protesters from an area near the White House; this action was an assault that harmed peaceful people. Later in 2020, he pressured election officials in Georgia to illegally change that state’s vote tally.

Finally, on Jan. 6, he used baseless claims of election fraud to incite an angry mob to attack Congress and try to overturn the result of the 2020 election.


Appropriate charges should be filed for all of these actions, and politics should play no role. Our laws apply to everyone, including Trump.

David Michels, Encino


To the editor: We must now add Trump’s campaign flags to the list of flags that represent enemies of the United States.

They now stand alongside the Confederate battle flag and the Nazi swastika. All three represent racism and hatred. It is distressing to see people carrying both the Trump flag and the American flag, as each represents opposing values.

Jefferson Davis led the Confederacy, Adolf Hitler led Nazi Germany, and Trump leads this threat against the U.S.

Colin Van Gorder, Temple City



To the editor: We have already had “too big to fail.” Do we also have “too big to charge”?

For the sake of our democracy, I certainly hope not.

Maureen Cobas, Pomona


To the editor: If Trump were to resign immediately in exchange for a pardon by Pence, it would preempt any prosecution, however just, for possible incitement crimes or election interference crimes. Would having a new president for just a few days be worth such an avoidance of justice in the courts?

I think yes. It would provide more stability at the highest level of government and avoid a prosecution that would be denounced as partisan from minute one, and I am so very tired of that fight.

I hope the president assesses his situation and takes such a deal.

Edward Imbus, Anaheim
