
Letters to the Editor: Republican senators fear Trump more than they want to protect democracy

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell heads back to his office after calling the Senate into session on Jan. 25.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Former President Trump’s apologists have desperately cast about for arguments against holding his second Senate impeachment trial. Their primary contention, aside from their specious argument that they cannot try an ex-president, seems to be that his inflammatory comments on Jan. 6 were not intended to cause death and destruction.

What about drunk drivers who say that they never intended to crash into another car and kill its occupants?

Where Trump could be charged with aiding and abetting horrific crimes, conservatives shouldn’t whine about impeachment proceedings. Didn’t most GOP lawmakers vote to impeach President Clinton for lying about a consensual sex act?


Republican senators need to shrug off whatever loss of political support they might suffer by voting to convict Trump. It’s far more important that they act to preserve our democracy for future generations.

Sandra Perez, Santa Maria


To the editor: So, Republican senators believe the Constitution is unconstitutional, and that crimes committed by a president in the waning days of his lame-duck administration are freebies.

Got it.

Jon Rufsvold, Anaheim


To the editor: The vote taken in the Senate was on a procedural motion to table a discussion on the constitutionality of impeachment after an official has left office. The statement that “Republicans forced a vote on the constitutionality of the process” is misleading.


Constitutionality has not been voted upon, and at least one senator who voted against the motion to table said he was waiting for this issue to be decided before he listened to the evidence at the trial.

While the nuances of Senate procedures may seem unimportant to some, they are critical to understanding how the story is unwinding in Washington. While this vote may imply that impeachment is dead, a number of steps in this process remain, and no conclusion should be reached by the press except in opinion pieces.

Ursula Hyman, Pasadena


To the editor: This entire matter is a colossal distraction and waste of time and energy, not to mention a continuation of the bitter and divisive conversation we now need to put behind us.


Our new president should be allowed to devote maximum focus to formulating and undertaking his agenda during his first months in office. Why bring the negative energy of the last four years into the new presidency?

Let’s instead choose to help our new president heal the nation.

Jeff Denker, Malibu


To the editor: Republican senators believe trying Trump is a waste of time now that he has left office. That’s like saying war crimes tribunals are a waste of time after a war.

Impeachment should be a no-brainer for Republican senators. The mob came for them.

Impeaching and trying Trump are the first steps toward ending domestic terrorism and restoring civil order. Only then can Congress and the Constitution be safe.

Laura Lake, Los Angeles
