
Letters to the Editor: Why isn’t the international community addressing the U.S. border crisis?

 A migrant family crosses the border into El Paso, Texas
A migrant family crosses the border into El Paso, Texas, from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on Feb. 26.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: The crush of migrants at the southern U.S. border is a human tragedy that needs to be addressed globally. The United Nations needs to assume responsibility, and the international community needs to provide sufficient resources. (“Border crossings on pace for two-decade high as smugglers exploit high hopes for Biden,” March 20)

Immigrants seeking asylum should be staged in temporary international locations where they cannot easily melt into the national population. Legitimate asylum seekers can then be assigned to appropriate destinations where they wish to go and are accepted.

No country should be allowed to wash their hands of the problem. As stable and responsible entities, the European Union and the United States cannot close themselves off and ignore the problem. A humane, universal solution supported by the international community is needed.


Ultimately, this same community needs to address the root causes for the mass movement of humans, and promote solutions so people can live peacefully and safely where they are.

Eugene Mullaly, San Diego


To the editor: I am not sure why the Biden administration is refusing to let the media in to see the conditions under which the migrant children are being held at border facilities.

Everybody knows that President Biden has been in office for barely more than two months. The conditions at the border are conditions he inherited from the Trump administration, and nobody will blame him for that.

At the moment, Biden and his crew are being naive about the situation. Refusing to allow the media in to report the conditions is totally unnecessary. This nation expects something better from them after the gross incompetence of the Trump administration.

Charles Blankson, Fontana
