
Letters to the Editor: A nation filled with anti-maskers won’t solve its gun problem

Mourners cry and hug one another.
Mourners cry while looking at the scene of a mass shooting in Boulder, Colo., on Monday.
(Getty Images)
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To the editor: We just had another mass shooting and the predictable, if baffling, response from some politicians is that gun control laws won’t make a difference or that it’s like the drunk driving problem. (“Our gun scourge once again claims victims in Colorado,” editorial, March 23)

When, after Columbine or Sandy Hook or Aurora, are we going to be sufficiently moved to take action to protect our fellow citizens? The sad fact is never.

When American arrogance has so perverted the notion of personal freedom that millions refuse to wear a mask to protect their neighbors in a global pandemic, how on Earth are you going to convince them to give up their weapons of war?


You won’t. This is who we are.

William Seaton, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: In 2018, the city of Boulder, Colo., passed a local ordinance banning possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Earlier this month, that ordinance was invalidated in court because of a law in Colorado that states local officials cannot make their own gun regulations.

Six days after the ruling, a young man bought an assault rifle. On Monday, 10 innocent people were killed.


Do we need laws? Actually, that shouldn’t be a question. We need laws.

Jo Williams, Long Beach


To the editor: In our Constitution, you have the right to own a military-style assault weapon designed to kill humans. You do not have the right to healthcare. You do not have the right to vote.

Everyone is once again offering their thoughts and prayers after this last mass shooting. My thoughts and prayers are directed toward this once proud democratic republic, in hopes that the majority can again legislate without obstruction.


Frank Lepiane, San Diego


To the editor: Another contributing factor encouraging mass shooters is the obsessive coverage they observe in the mass media. Stop such coverage, and these people will lose a source of motivation.

Dennis Evans, Newport Beach


To the editor: Guns are a false idol. Cowards pray to their weapons, not because they believe in God, but because they think it makes them godlike.

We need better laws, and we need better lawmakers.

Marcella Hill, Los Angeles
