
Letters to the Editor: The simple reason California is under one-party rule? The GOP is awful

People attend a rally supporting the recall of California Gov. Gavin Newsom.
People attend a rally in San Diego on June 28 supporting the recall of California Gov. Gavin Newsom.
(K.C. Alfred / San Diego Union-Tribune)
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To the editor: Jonah Goldberg complains that California’s single-party rule leaves Republicans with no alternative except a recall. I have an idea for the state GOP: Become an American political party living in the 21st century.

Gun violence isn’t reduced by allowing larger-capacity magazines and higher fire rates. California has an infant mortality rate of about 4 per 1,000 live births; nationally, the rate is 5.6, and Republican-controlled states that refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act have rates above the national average. The same is true for maternal mortality.

California’s COVID-19 infection rate is well below the national average. Democrats did not storm the nation’s capital and attempt to end American democracy.


The solution for California Republicans is not to complain about Democrats; it’s for them to fix their party.

Norman Rodewald, Moorpark


To the editor: Having reread Goldberg’s column on the recall several times now, I believe that his point in favor of this exercise is to give the Republicans a sporting chance to govern the state, despite the will of a pretty strong majority of the populace.


I’m not sure how this is all that different from the failed affirmative action initiative he cites to make his point.

I also think his argument loses steam when one inserts the Nazis, Communists or Whigs as other alternative parties deserving a shot at running the show — all in the public interest of two-party rule, of course.

R.C. Price, San Clemente



To the editor: Goldberg’s comments on the recall effort against Gov. Gavin Newsom reflect the GOP’s inability to extricate itself from the tar pit of grievances and come up with a cogent policy platform.

On the national level, the GOP didn’t even bother to create a platform in 2020, instead relying on the Trump cult’s fear-mongering to sway voters. In California, that strategy buried the GOP, starting in 1994 with the bigotry of Proposition 187.

The California GOP doesn’t need recalls or petty grievances; it needs ideas, for a change.

Michael J. McGuire, Palm Desert


To the editor: As columnist Mark Z. Barabak notes, Dianne Feinstein, as mayor of San Francisco, survived a recall campaign in 1983 and went on to become one of the most influential politicians in Washington.

The expensive, gratuitous recall campaign against Newsom by the all-but-irrelevant California Republicans should not be without consequences should it fail.


Perhaps the clock should be reset on Newsom’s time in office, adding another four years to his term. The state would benefit from another four years of competent administration, and it might serve as a deterrent to these incessant recall campaigns by Republicans.

Gary Tereshkow, Palm Springs
