
Letters to the Editor: I’m a left-wing Democrat voting in protest to recall Newsom

Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks at a news conference in Oakland on July 26.
Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks at a news conference in Oakland on July 26.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: I’m a socialist, Democratic voter, and a trained historian of California and its 20th century housing policies. I’m not complacent about the election, and I won’t vote for a Republican recall challenger. (“Newsom’s biggest recall danger: Complacent Democrats who don’t turn out to vote,” July 28)

But I am voting against Gov. Gavin Newsom in protest of California Democrats’ decades-long inaction on our housing crisis.

This is a crisis that has left thousands of our neighbors — old folks, parents and children, queer and trans and straight young people, all disproportionately people of color — to suffer and die on our streets in gross neglect of their humanity and basic dignity.


Maybe a year of seeing the brutality and inhumanity of conservative policies will finally be enough to convince the party and its NIMBY voters to do right by their fellow Californians and build the housing we need and deserve.

Matthew Enger, Pasadena


To the editor: Remember when the pandemic was just starting and we had a president who said we’d have to wait for a miracle? I was relieved then that California had a governor who seemed to be trying to take control and actually tell us how the coronavirus was spreading and what we should do about it.


Now it seems that people want to throw Newsom out because they’re mad at the virus. Are they the people who refuse to wear a mask or get vaccinated? The geniuses who whose lack of cooperation is extending the pandemic?

Do the anti-Newsom folks think some new person we’ve never heard of will cure their problems in the year that’s left before the next election?

I resent that my tax money is being wasted on this recall.

Cheryl Clark, Long Beach



To the editor: If Newsom is recalled, and a Republican wins with fewer than 20% of the vote, he is sure to be booted out next year in a landslide when Newsom runs again. However, the GOP will have learned that recalls are their key to the governor’s mansion, and so will start again at every inauguration.

Therefore, I offer the modest proposal that Democrats coalesce behind a candidate who isn’t a politician, one whose plurality victory would shame the GOP into never again wasting our tax dollars on such a disgusting scheme.

This is someone who, if elected governor in the recall, would prove so lacking in political knowhow and experience that Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis would simply run the state until the next election.

Respectfully, I urge Democrats to excitedly support Angelyne.

Douglas Green, Sherman Oaks
