
Letters to the Editor: It’s a mask, not a muzzle. Parents, grow up and protect your kids

Adults and children carry signs on a street crosswalk.
Let Them Breathe, an anti-mask group, gathers to protest at the Redondo Beach Unified School District building on July 27.
(Jason Armond / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on many of our societal ills, one of which is the disdain for poor people and the elderly. (“O.C. Board of Education to sue Gov. Newsom over K-12 school mask mandate,” Aug. 4, and “The new state school mask rule doesn’t faze many students. It’s ‘second nature’ now,” Aug. 3)

Had this been a disease that significantly impacted children, we most certainly would not be seeing the absurdity of the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers and lawsuit-happy people protesting for their freedom as they are doing in Orange County, where the Board of Education is suing California over the classroom mask mandate for K-12 students.

The rallying cry would have been, “Save our children!” Masks would have been embraced and parents would clamber for vaccines.


Alas, as was clearly articulated in Texas and Florida, it’s OK to sacrifice older adults.

Wendy Winter, Altadena


To the editor: I don’t know what’s worse in the photo you published of an anti-mask group protesting the Redondo Beach school district — the adults showing their kids how ignorant adults really can be, or these poor kids being pushed and indoctrinated into a political death cult.

Do you really think these kindergartners understand that their parents are putting them in harm’s way, and all for politics?

The Delta strain is now putting children into the hospital, and if that isn’t enough to get these parents to realize the error of their ways, then we’ll never get out of this pandemic without additional unnecessary illnesses, hospitalizations and, saddest of all, deaths.


Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Members of the group Let Them Breathe are risking their children’s lives and those of others because of some stupid idea that mask mandates somehow violate their freedom.

What, the freedom to catch a devastating disease?

Let Them Breathe might as well be called Let Them Die. It’s the parents who are instilling fear in these kids, not public health officials trying to protect them.

Children are resilient. It’s just a mask. Grow up.

P.S. Hayes, Long Beach


To the editor: I’m embarrassed, appalled and angry to be an Orange County resident.

In what universe is it OK to send our kids to school without masks as the Delta variant surges? And then bring the virus home to those of us who are old, have preexisting conditions or simply don’t want to get sick and possibly spread COVID-19 to our friends and loved ones?


Science, not emotion, politics or “faith,” should guide our decisions. God helps those who help themselves.

Alison M. Grimes, Yorba Linda
