Taylor Avery
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Taylor Avery was a summer 2020 intern for the Business section of the Los Angeles Times. She is a rising senior at the University of Nevada, Reno, studying journalism and political science. Avery is currently the news editor at UNR’s student newspaper, the Nevada Sagebrush, and previously interned at the Nevada Independent.
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For swaths of the U.S. with concentrated Chinese populations, WeChat is a way of life. President Trump’s executive order banning the app could upend that.
Customers don’t have to intervene if they see coronavirus safety rules being broken, but people have asked The Times what they can do, so let’s look at options.
Se espera que los espacios de oficina en California se sigan vaciando y que los precios de sus alquileres continuen bajando durante años mientras persistan las consecuencias de la pandemia, según una encuesta de Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Forecast.
California office spaces are expected to keep getting emptier and their rent prices will likely keep declining for years as the pandemic fallout persists, according to an Allen Matkins/UCLA Anderson Forecast survey.
Home-office expenses eligible for a California tax write-off can include desks and chairs, as well as a portion of your rent, utilities, homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance and repair and maintenance costs.
Muchos, especialmente los que están respaldados por sindicatos, se oponen a volver a sus lugares de trabajo, citando los fracasos de los empleadores en la prevención de los brotes de COVID-19.
Many, especially those backed by labor unions, push back against returning to their workplaces, citing employers’ failures to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks.
In California, it’s possible to receive unemployment benefits if you need to stay home with your child because of school closures.
For companies whose entire livelihood depends on finding customers through Facebook and Instagram ads, the prospect of joining a boycott of those platforms raises a unique dilemma.
As workplaces reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, we want to hear from readers.