
Fiorina sings, and it’s not great -- until you listen to the other candidates

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After Sen. Ted Cruz announced that Carly Fiorina would be his running mate Wednesday, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO became the latest political candidate to give us a singing sample.

In a song dedicated to Cruz's daughters, Fiorina showed she can carry a tune and in a way, it was sweet, but you could also imagine a spot for it in "The Shining."

So how does Carly stack up against the other candidates in this year's campaign? Let's listen first to her running mate, who took a stab at singing at a CNN forum with Anderson Cooper.


Sorry Ted, but none of the chairs turned. The senator admits, "I cannot sing to save my life," and that's one statement the nation could unite behind. If this campaign at some point needs to rock, let's hope he hands the mike to Carly.

Hillary Clinton was caught singing the national anthem in this YouTube clip. You can't really pick up her voice until about 50 seconds in, and then what you hear sounds more like a beagle in distress.


Donald Trump doesn't sing much, but he did get talked into a parody of "Hotline Bling" on Saturday Night Live. His big moment starts at the 47-second mark.


Go ahead Trump, give us more. Make America cover its ears again.

What about Bernie Sanders? Bernie did a spoken-word recording in the '80s, and you can almost imagine the Vermont senator taking the lead on some old-school hip-hop. Listen to the clip below, and admit it -- you can hear a little Eminem when Bernie growls, "When will they ever learn?"


And in case you've forgotten, here's Barack Obama setting the bar high.
