
Newsletter: Essential Politics: Donald Trump is about to get his moment

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I’m Christina Bellantoni. This is Essential Politics, and the next time you get this newsletter, we’ll know who Donald Trump has chosen as his running mate.

He stirred speculation about just who that person might be with a series of meetings in Indiana, then made it official that the announcement will come Friday.

Our team is covering every angle of the campaign on Trail Guide. Make sure to follow @latimespolitics for the very latest.



It’s a strange week when Trump lectures a Supreme Court justice on what’s “highly inappropriate,” and many legal experts say he’s right, David Savage reports.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s unprecedented public criticism of the presumed GOP presidential nominee has left those experts and her own supporters scratching their heads. No one could recall a similar instance of a justice on the nation’s highest court openly and repeatedly denouncing a candidate running for its highest office. How will it affect the reputation of the woman affectionately dubbed by fans “Notorious RBG”?



In a tough Thursday column, George Skelton has a bit of advice for California Republicans he predicts will be dragged down by Trump this fall: Cut any ties to that sinking ship.



Police chiefs and sheriffs throughout California are at odds with Democratic lawmakers over a proposal to allow thousands of felons serving their time in county jails to vote in California elections from behind bars, Patrick McGreevy reports.

People in favor of the idea argue it would increase civic participation by convicts and therefore reduce the chance they will commit new crimes, but law enforcement is trying hard to stop the measure from passing the state Senate next month.


Reps. Steve Knight and Ami Bera must have a lot to say to constituents. The two California congressmen spent more than their colleagues back home on ads, fliers and other communications funded by taxpayers in a process known as franking.

Sarah Wire spoke with members of California’s delegation about the mail they send within their districts, and why nine members don’t spend any taxpayer money on mailings or communications at all.



Watch this space next week as we release details of two convention watch parties hosted by Times journalists. You’ll be able to join me, Sacramento bureau chief John Myers and columnist Robin Abcarian at free live events on July 21 and July 28 in downtown Los Angeles. The watch parties will run from 6 to 9 p.m. Pacific.


Hillary Clinton charged that the Republican Party, once headed by a president who held the union together, is now led by a man who intentionally stokes divisions for personal gain, blasting Trump for “pitting American against American” when the nation needs “a president who can help pull us together, not split us apart.”

— A few days before the convention frenzy begins, Melanie Mason and Chris Megerian report that while they may seem like relics of yesteryear, party platforms have retained an important place in the American political process.

— Watch Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist David Horsey show us how he draws Trump and Clinton during the election season.

— California’s House delegation kept up wrangling over water legislation Wednesday, with Republicans beating back Democrat Rep. Jerry McNerney’s attempt to strip language about pumping Delta water to the Central Valley from an appropriations bill.


— San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer announced Wednesday that he’ll lead the campaign to defeat Gov. Jerry Brown’s ballot measure to overhaul prison parole law, a.k.a. Proposition 57. Faulconer, often talked about as a potential gubernatorial candidate, made the announcement at an event with law enforcement and victim advocates.

— A bill that paves the way for local control of Ontario International Airport is headed to the White House for Obama’s signature.

— Trump is seeking $10 million in damages from a former senior campaign consultant, Sam Nunberg, alleging that Nunberg leaked confidential information to reporters in violation of a nondisclosure agreement.

— Who will win the November election? Give our Electoral College map a spin.

— I’ll be chatting with Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom Friday as the Los Angeles Times presents a discussion on energy policy. There’s still time to RSVP for the day-long summit.



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