
Prominent Democrats praise life of Charles Manatt

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Tributes from throughout the political world poured in Saturday for Charles T. Manatt, the Los Angeles super-lawyer who became a political power as a chairman of the state and national Democratic parties. Here’s a sampling:

Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: “We were friends for 30 years, and saw firsthand how he used his energy, intellect, and common sense to help restore the Democratic Party after 1980, to make America more prosperous and just, and to make friends for our nation around the world. I was proud of his service as ambassador to the Dominican Republic during my second term and Hillary and I will always be grateful for his support and friendship. “

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein: “Today I am thinking about Chuck’s extraordinary leadership, his passion for politics and public service, and his unshakable devotion to his country, his friends and his family. I particularly remember Chuck as National Chair of the Democratic Party in 1984 when the Convention was held in San Francisco and I was serving as mayor. In my view, there has never been another convention quite like the one Chuck presided over that year.”


House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: “Chuck and I became friends through our shared love of the Democratic Party and California. We worked together to bring the 1984 Democratic Convention to San Francisco and over many years to elect Democrats at every level. I was impressed by his energy and intellect; I was inspired by his idealism.”

Rep. Howard Berman (D-Valley Village): Over the last 45 years, Chuck Manatt has been a mover and shaker in California and national Democratic party politics like few others. My fondest memories of him, however, are of his remarkable work in advancing democratic values and human rights around the world as the founding chairman of the National Democratic Institute. Chuck will be greatly missed--for his support of countless Democratic candidates, his participation in political and civic organizations, his passion for international relations, practices and institutions and his great love of democracy.”

Democratic National Party Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “With Chuck Manatt’s passing our country and our party lost a very good man... His opinion remained sought after to the day of his death, and his influence will long be felt in our party. My thoughts go out to his family and friends and all those in our Democratic Party who are missing him today.”


Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa: “Chuck was an excellent lawyer, an engaged citizen, an avid mentor, and a beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend. His story isinextricably linked with decades of politics, and the joys and heartbreaks that go along with a life lead in such an exciting and dynamic field. He was a true pillar of every community in which he lived--from Iowa, to Washington, DC, to Los Angeles--and I know his loss is felt by many.”
