
After wins, Santorum says it’s time ‘for conservatives to pull together’

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Los Angeles Times

Rick Santorum scored two major victories in his insurgent campaign for the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday, winning the Alabama and Mississippi primaries and dealing a potentially crippling blow to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

With most of the votes tallied, Gingrich was running second in both states, followed closely by Mitt Romney.

The twin losses for Gingrich, who devoted a full week to zigzagging across the two states by bus, effectively crushed his effort to resuscitate his candidacy in the South, notwithstanding his vow Tuesday night to press forward.


For Santorum, the victories in the heart of the Republican Party’s Deep South stronghold could help establish him as its lone conservative alternative to Romney. Having now won 10 contests in states spanning the nation, Santorum heads into the next round of contests in Missouri, Illinois and Louisiana with a burst of momentum.

“We did it again!” the former Pennsylvania senator told cheering supporters at a celebration in Lafayette, La.

Only Romney had little to lose in Alabama and Mississippi. The former Massachusetts governor, whose talk of eating grits and catfish proved to be awkward overtures to locals, called Tuesday’s contests an “away game,” forgoing the formality of an election-night party in Alabama or Mississippi to travel to New York City for fundraisers this week.


As elsewhere, Romney and his allies outspent rivals on radio and television ads by huge margins. But most Republicans in the region are evangelical Christians, a group that shunned Romney in nearly every state that has voted so far -- and did so again Tuesday, according to surveys of voters leaving the polls.

Preliminary results of the surveys found 4 out of 5 voters in Mississippi and a slightly smaller share in Alabama were white evangelicals. They are Santorum’s bulwark of support nationwide. He thanked evangelical supporters Tuesday for their prayers. Surrounded by his wife, Karen, and a few of their seven children, he also told them of his commitment to “the integrity of the family and the centrality of faith in our lives.”

“The time is now for conservatives to pull together,” he said. “The time is now to make sure ? that we have the best chance to win this election, and the best chance to win this election is to nominate a conservative to go up against Barack Obama who can take him on, on every issue.”


Gingrich, appearing subdued as he addressed supporters in Hoover, Ala., signaled he had no intention, certainly for the moment, of ceding that role to Santorum.

“The elite media’s effort to convince the nation that Mitt Romney is inevitable just collapsed,” he said. “If you’re a front-runner and you keep coming in third, you’re not much of a front-runner.”

Gingrich conceded that he wound up “not getting as many votes as we liked, but we were clearly changing the national dialogue in the last week,” referring to his vow to bring gasoline prices down to $2.50 a gallon if he becomes president.

“We are already impacting the national debate on a scale that all of Romney’s ad money hasn’t achieved,” he said. “And we are doing it because ideas matter.”

In Alabama, 47 delegates were up for grabs; in Mississippi, 37. Also taking place later Tuesday were caucuses in Hawaii, with 17 delegates at stake, and American Samoa, with six.

Romney was destined to remain well ahead in the national race for the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination. There was no chance that any rival would catch up on Tuesday, nor any time soon, which Romney gladly pointed out as he denounced Santorum for a new TV ad attacking his fiscal record in Massachusetts.


“Sen. Santorum is at the desperate end of his campaign and is trying in some way to boost his prospects, and frankly, misrepresenting the truth is not a good way of doing that,” Romney told CNN on Tuesday afternoon.

Santorum’s geographic reach -- he has now won nine states spanning the nation -- makes him a bigger threat to Romney than Gingrich, who had won only South Carolina and Georgia, home of the district he represented in Congress.

Laying out Santorum’s steep challenge in accumulating delegates, Romney sought to play down the potential danger ahead. “If you look at the math of how many delegates he’d have to win to become the nominee, it’s a very difficult road for him,” he said.

The protracted delegate fight has raised the possibility that none of the three contenders will reach the threshold needed to secure the nomination before the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., in August.

For Romney’s opponents, the scramble only gets tougher as the number of remaining contests dwindles, even with a convoluted nominating process that has spawned wide variations in the delegate count, depending on who is doing the tally.

“The fact is that the longer this race goes on, the better we are,” Santorum told Fox News radio Tuesday. “And having to go to the convention -- if that’s where it goes, it goes -- I don’t think is a bad thing at all. Because I think we’ll come out of that convention with a conservative nominee, and that’s our best chance to win.”


Romney has more money, a bigger organization and “Fox News shilling for him every day,” Santorum said, but he “can’t seal the deal because he just doesn’t have the goods to be able to motivate the Republican base.” (Host Brian Kilmeade bridled at the characterization of Fox News. Santorum declined to retract it, but in a nod to the network’s power, added, “I love you guys.”)

Santorum’s improbable path to defeating Romney depends upon Gingrich abandoning his candidacy. On Tuesday morning, however, Gingrich rejected Santorum’s argument that conservatives must unite soon to stop Romney.

“There’s a certain advantage, I think right now, in having both of us tag-team Romney, because neither one of us by ourselves can raise the money to match Romney,” Gingrich said in a radio interview on the nationally syndicated “Rick & Bubba Show.” Together, he said, “we’re really slowing him down, with some help, frankly, from Ron Paul.”

Paul, the iconoclastic congressman from Texas with a devoted but small following, skipped Alabama and Mississippi, but plans to campaign this week for upcoming contests in Missouri and Illinois. Paul has lost every state so far, yet has gathered a smattering of delegates. A telling sign of how unsettled the race remains was evident in plans by the candidates to scatter across the country for the next round of contests. Romney spent Tuesday in Missouri, which holds caucuses Saturday. Looking ahead to the March 20 primary in Illinois, Romney also called in for a chat on a Chicago radio show.

Santorum, after his election-night party in Louisiana, planned to take a two-day trip to Puerto Rico, where caucuses will take place Sunday. Next up for him are stops in Missouri and Illinois on Friday.

Gingrich, who hoped to savor his campaign’s salvation at a gathering of supporters Tuesday night outside Birmingham, Ala., was also Illinois-bound, planning a five-stop tour over two days, punctuated by two school readings by his wife, Callista, of her book, “Sweet Land of Liberty.”

