22. Mimi Walters

$717,000 minimum net worth

Walters (R-Irvine) and her husband reported a 25% stake in an Encinitas apartment building as well as interests in two consulting companies in Orange County. They also sold stock in a digital mapping company worth between $100,00 and $250,000. Her sole liability was a mortgage on the apartment building.

READ MORE: California’s members of Congress are worth at least $439 million >>


$767,000 minimum assets
$50,000 minimum liabilities

Asset list

Rank Asset Type Owner Minimum value
1 UBS Money Market Bank Account Joint $500,001
2 Monarch Bay Securities LLC Investments Joint $100,001
3 Laguna Advisory Partners LLC Investments Joint $100,001
4 Apartment bldg, Hermes Avenue, Encinitas, CA Real Estate Joint $50,001
5 Madrona Partners VC Fund LLC-> Madrona Venture Group Investments Member $15,001
6 Camino Partners Consulting LLC Investments Joint $1,001
7 Cardiff Partners Business Consulting LLC Investments Joint $1,001

Liability list

Rank Creditor Type Owner Minimum value
1 Chase Bank Mortgage Joint $50,001

Credits: Christina Bellantoni, Christine Mai-Duc, Javier Panzar, Julie Westfall and Sarah Wire.

About this data: These are the assets disclosed for calendar years 2014-2016 compiled by Roll Call. They are ranked from largest to smallest. Financial disclosure rules allow lawmakers to report broad ranges of minimums for both assets and liabilities, starting at $1 to $1,000 and topping out at $50 million or higher, so it is impossible to offer precise figures. The minimum values shown are how Roll Call calculated the net worth for each member.

Roll Call assigns assets and liabilities into several categories. The disclosure forms indicate if the asset or liability is owned solely by the member, by the member’s spouse, by the member’s dependent(s) or jointly owned by the member and spouse. The names of the assets and liabilities appear as they were entered on the forms filed with the clerk of the House and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.