
On the Town: Wiggins installed president of La Providencia Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Outgoing La Providencia Guild President Sue Meckley, right, turns the presidential gavel over to Nancy Wiggins who will lead the organization through 2021.
Outgoing La Providencia Guild President Sue Meckley, right, turns the presidential gavel over to Nancy Wiggins who will lead the organization through 2021.
(David Laurell)
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For the 73rd time since the organization’s formation in 1947, members of the La Providencia Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, or CHLA, gathered for the annual meeting and installation of their president and officers this past Saturday.

Convening at Lakeside Golf Club, guild members received status reports from committee chairs before honoring Sue Meckley, outgoing president, and witnessing the swearing in of Nancy Wiggins, who will preside as the organization’s president through the spring of 2021.

Along with installing Wiggins, guild member Irene Matzger also administered the oath of office to 2020-21 officers Judy Pierce, Glenda Jones, Jill Kessler, Teresa Garcia, Cynthia Faust and Meckley.

Among the guild members who witnessed Nancy Wiggins sworn in as president on Saturday were Donna Salant, from left, Ann Gardner, Max Andrews and Carol Thielemann.
(David Laurell/Burbank Leader)

Wiggins, who said her presidential theme, “Making a Difference Today for Generations to Come,” was based on the premise that the smallest acts of kindness can have a far reaching impact into the future, told Saturday’s assemblage that her primary focus will be on the guild’s thrift shop.

“Our thrift shop has proven to be our greatest success when it comes to raising funds,” said Wiggins.

“This year, my goal is to build on that success. To do that, we will be making a change in the yearly fundraisers we present. Instead of big galas that take a lot of planning and are costly to stage, we will have smaller events throughout the year. That will give our members more time to focus on our thrift shop, which is our largest fundraising source,” Wiggins added.

Rosemarie Witten, left, who serves as the guild's thrift shop chairwoman, with Veronica Chavoor who handled reservations for Saturday's event.
Rosemarie Witten, left, who serves as the guild’s thrift shop chairwoman, with Veronica Chavoor who handled reservations for Saturday’s event.
(David Laurell)

This year’s annual meeting and officer reorganization luncheon, chaired by Sue Ann Gordon, was made possible by the event’s committee made up of Jones and Veronica Chavoor.

Among those in attendance for Saturday's annual meeting and installation ceremony were Jill Kessler, from left, Sue Ann Gordon who chaired the event, and Judy Pierce.
Among those in attendance for Saturday’s annual meeting and installation ceremony were Jill Kessler, from left, Sue Ann Gordon who chaired the event, and Judy Pierce.
(David Laurell)

Back in 1947, the charter membership of the La Providencia Guild consisted of 25 women who were interested in supporting the work of CHLA.

They chose the name for two reasons: Because “La Providencia” means “the provider” or “the beneficent one,” and also because Burbank is in the heart of the old Spanish land grant of that name.

Glenda Jones, from left, Cynthia Faust and Teresa Garcia are among those will serve as guild officers through 2021.
Glenda Jones, from left, Cynthia Faust and Teresa Garcia are among those will serve as guild officers through 2021.
(David Laurell)

Today, the guild has more than 120 women who participate in four levels of membership: actives, associates, patroness and emeritus members, who have either served as the group’s president in the past or have been members for over 40 years.

The guild also has sustaining members, who support their work through their financial generosity.

Funds raised at the guild’s events and its Burbank Boulevard thrift shop support the current projects its members are supporting which include the Associates Endowed Chair for the Chief of the Children’s Orthopedic Center and the Associates Endowment for Liver and Intestinal Research.

For more information about guild membership, the thrift store located at 3301 W Burbank Blvd., providing financial support or upcoming fundraising events, visit or call (818) 845-6606.

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