
Letters: Burbank City Council has more important work than chastising Trump

Democratic Reps Ayanna Pressley, from left, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib speak on July 15 about President Trump's Twitter attacks against them. Trump tweeted that the minority lawmakers should 'go back' to their countries. Three of the four are natural-born U.S. citizens. The Burbank City Council recently voted 4-1 to draft a letter to Trump telling him he'd crossed a line with that tweet.
(Jim Lo Scalzo EPA/Shutterstock)
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Re: “Burbank officials consider sending letter to Trump regarding recent tweets,” Aug. 10. I agree 100% with Councilman Bob Frutos’s position that the Burbank City Council should not write a letter to President Trump reprimanding him for his recent comments.

Burbank has many local issues that require the City Council’s full attention.

For decades, city of Los Angeles council members have been notorious for getting side-tracked on issues that have absolutely nothing to do with their elected duties. I believe that is one of the reasons Los Angeles has so many problems today.

Cecilia Elman


A friend sent me a link to a recent article that appeared in the Burbank Leader. First off, Councilman Frutos, thank you for being the lone vote of dissent on this. What’s next? Going on record as to whether or not we are a sanctuary city?

The last time I checked we were elected in a nonpartisan election, as I have never seen a party affiliation on the ballot. The Burbank City Council has more than enough on its plate trying to run the city.

I have to now assume this council will also want to endorse a candidate in the 2020 November election.

Gary Bric
Former member, Burbank City Council


What happened to the neighborhood handyman? Many times I just need a simple thing done. I don’t need a big contractor. We just need a person with basic skills, maybe a retired person, to call on to fix something.

Maybe they could put an ad in the classifieds section of the paper. I know I used to call on them long ago.

Bonnie Andonie
