
Letters to the Editor: Measure P gains endorsements from these voters

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One of the letters in the Leader’s Aug. 25 Mailbag regarding Burbank’s finances and Measure P, which will be voted on by Burbank voters on Nov. 6, was inaccurate and misleading. In fact, the Burbank City Council has made it abundantly clear why this measure is needed and what the impacts of a large, $20-million shortfall would be to the services that the city provides if the measure fails.

The council has been very active and transparent in its efforts to balance revenues and expenditures, and after much study and debate it determined that a three-quarter cent local sales tax would be the best way to keep services, including operations and infrastructure maintenance, at an acceptable level.

I am fully in favor of Measure P, and I will be asking my friends and neighbors in Burbank to join me in supporting it. Burbank is a fine place to live and work, and Burbank residents deserve to continue enjoying the benefits of well-funded fire and police departments, recreation programs, libraries, youth and senior services and streets in good repair.

Fred Barker



I will be voting YES for the general purpose three-quarter cent local sales tax (Measure P) that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot of our local election. A YES vote is vitally important for the health of our city: its citizens (you and me), the structures and facilities that support us and the services and activities available to us.

As a senior citizen living in Burbank, my interests and concerns (the libraries, the senior centers and safety issues) might be different from others’, but that does not mean I don’t support their needs and interests. We all deserve to continue receiving the best that Burbank has to offer.

Please take time to learn more about Measure P. The impartial analysis of Measure P, as well as arguments for and against, can be found on the city’s website.

Cynthia Leva

