
Photo Of The Week

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When the Daily Pilot heard former Bell City Manager Robert Rizzo was doing parking lot security at the Huntington Beach Surf Museum, everyone in the newsroom couldn’t believe it. Photographer Kent Treptow took off immediately for the location. What he came back with was one of the best juxtapositions we’ve seen in a long time. Robert Rizzo, the face of gross political corruption, sitting under the surfing mural that represents the joy and history of surfing. It was an odd, awesome image. It’s funny because we all know Rizzo doesn’t surf, so his image under the carefree and athletic joy of surfing image just didn’t suit Rizzo much, which made it all the more weird. When he returned from the shoot, Treptow said Rizzo left his chair for the safety of the museum after a few frames, which is why he prepared his camera ahead of time. It turns out Rizzo was serving some community service hours for a prior DUI conviction in Huntington Beach.

—Don Leach
