
Michael F. Henn

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Michael F. Henn
District 1 (peninsula, parts of West Newport and Lido Isle)
Incumbent, running unopposed

Name: Michael F. Henn

Age: 62

Birthplace: Indianapolis

How long have you lived in Newport Beach? Six years full time. Have owned a home in Newport Beach for 16 years.

Occupation: consultant

Education: bachelor’s degree and MBA, Finance from Northern Illinois University

Previously elected or appointed positions: Newport Beach Planning Commission, 2005-06: Newport Beach City Councilman 2006- present

Community organizations you belong to: Newport Beach Public Library; Central Newport Beach Community Assn.; various city committees

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Newport Beach right now? extension of the current John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement protections; assurance of balanced city budgets and sound fiscal management; reduction of public employee pension costs; completion of the dredging of both Upper and Lower Newport Bay; revitalization of Balboa Peninsula

With the John Wayne Airport Settlement Agreement up for renegotiation in 2015, what should the city ask for to limit the environmental impacts to Newport Beach residents? See above.

How do you envision the future of Banning Ranch, and what should the city do to accomplish that? The city should continue to follow the voter approved General Plan policy for Banning Ranch, which is first to see if the property can be bought and preserved in its entirety as open space; or failing that, consider the proposal to develop a limited portion of the land for residential development while preserving the majority of the land for open space.
