
Laguna council approves continuation of interim permit program for outdoor signage

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Laguna Beach City Council members voted unanimously this week to continue an interim program allowing downtown business owners to obtain over-the-counter permits for outdoor signage and displays of up to 6 square feet.

Following Tuesday’s vote, which extends the program through the end of 2020 and incorporates it into Laguna’s draft Downtown Specific Plan, the city also will begin issuing notices of code violations after an initial warning.

The interim program initially began in January 2018 and was previously extended through this summer.


Additionally, city staff will move forward with amending Laguna’s municipal code to allow use of outdoor signage and displays citywide through a permitting process similar to the interim program.

As it stands now, business owners must apply for a conditional use permit for permanent outdoor signage and displays. Temporary use permits are available for shorter-term displays and can be issued by the city’s community development director or the Planning Commission.

Applying for either a temporary or conditional use permit requires preparation of a site plan and payment of necessary fees.

Surrounding residents also must be notified when a conditional use permit application is filed.

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