
Homegrown Glenn Grandis is new mayor of Fountain Valley

Glenn Grandis, with mother Pauline, is sworn in as mayor of Fountain Valley on Tuesday.
(Andrew Turner)
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The council chambers at Fountain Valley City Hall were packed to the back row and out the door Tuesday, a large crowd turning out for the transitional shift in leadership on the City Council.

Many on hand expected what transpired, that a homegrown resident would receive the votes to become the new mayor in town.

By a unanimous vote of the council, Glenn Grandis was handed the gavel to serve as mayor of Fountain Valley.


Grandis, a 1982 graduate of Fountain Valley High and a 44-year resident, held court during the meeting and later at a well-attended after party at Los Cab Sports Village.

“We have something that’s really unique in Fountain Valley, and that is our council’s truly nonpartisan,” Grandis said. “Our council truly gets along with each other. We respect each other. Sometimes, we don’t always agree, and that’s OK.”

In his first term on the dais, Grandis has not been shy about sharing his views on many of the issues that have come before the panel. And, on being named mayor, he gave a 25-minute acceptance speech.

A celebratory reception was held for new Fountain Valley mayor Glenn Grandis at Los CabSports Village on Tuesday.
A celebratory reception was held for Glenn Grandis at Los Cab Sports Village after he was voted in as mayor of Fountain Valley on Tuesday.
(Andrew Turner)

Grandis appeared bashful as he took the oath of office being administered by City Clerk Rick Miller.

“I’m not nervous at all about giving this speech and such, but [my] poor [wife] Mary and my son, Phil, we’ve been practicing that oath,” said Grandis, whose mother, Pauline, stood alongside him holding the Bible during the ceremony.

Grandis laid out his priorities for the year ahead, saying his goals include a focus on innovation, fiscal responsibility and diversity.

He said technology could be further utilized to better communicate with residents, stating that he planned to get a video podcast going to achieve that goal.

In terms of fiscal responsibility, Grandis said he wanted to find ways to generate revenue for the city without taxing residents. He added that paying fair wages to employees would help retain them.

“We all know that everything costs more today than it did a year ago, and the cost of goods that our city has to purchase has gone way up,” Grandis said. “We have to look at all expenditures and make sure they’re necessary and make sure they’re in the best interest of our city. We have to look for new revenue-generating opportunities.

“That’s always the key. What are the ways that we bring in revenue to the city without taxing our residents, ideas that bring money to us that [don’t] cost our residents money?”

Fountain Valley City Council members pose with outgoing Mayor Kim Constantine.
Fountain Valley City Council members pose with outgoing Mayor Kim Constantine, center, on Tuesday after she was recognized for her service.
(Andrew Turner)

Ted Bui was voted by his council colleagues to serve as vice mayor.

Outgoing Mayor Kim Constantine was recognized by representatives from the offices of Rep. Michelle Steel, state Sen. Janet Nguyen, and Assmemblyman Tri Ta.

“Who would have thought a very shy Lebanese American girl born in Allentown, Penn. would be on city council, much less serve as mayor?” Constantine said. “... It’s been my absolute honor and privilege to serve as mayor of Fountain Valley, also known as a nice place to live.”
