
Our Laguna: Holiday cheer at Seniors luncheon

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Spirits were bright at the Laguna Beach Seniors Inc. luncheon despite dull, gray skies outside.

The 19th annual luncheon was held Monday at Tivoli Terrace. There were few empty seats, despite the inclement weather, and the atmosphere was festive — so festive Executive Director Nadia Babayi had trouble getting folks’ attention for the program.

“An important part of the holiday season for me is expressing gratitude,” Babayi said when the crowd settled down.

Babayi expressed gratitude for the relationship the seniors have with their partners, starting with the city and including AgeWell Services, Sally’s Fund and the Council on Aging.


“The strong support of our partners make it possible for us to do what we love, which is assuring the wellness of the seniors at the Susi Q [Senior] Center,” Babayi said.

Take note: Nearly one-third of Laguna Beach residents quality for senior discounts.

Laguna Beach Seniors was founded in 1975. And for a good part of their history, the group lobbied for, harried the City Council for and raised funds for the construction of a safe and welcoming place to spend time on a variety of activities. It is called the Susi Q in honor of the nom de plume of the late Elizabeth Quilter, the mother of Chris, Matthew, Patrick and Charlie Quilter, who donated $700,000 to help build the place.

Chris Quilter is president of the seniors’ board of directors. He also provides lots of laughs. Just ask anyone who gets a bang out of the parodies he writes for “Lagunatics.”

But he doesn’t joke when he talks about his board.

“We have the best board in town,” he said. “Sorry, everybody else — we got ‘em.”

He introduced the board at the lunch: Vice President Bob Arovas, Secretary Tina Haines, Treasurer Jim McBride, and members at large Ann Quilter, Pam Horowitz, Louise Buckley, Dorene Butler and Tom Ellerbie, soon to be elevated to second vice president.

Quilter also introduced the newest board member, longtime Soroptimist member Linda Butterwick, who will chair the annual Legacy Ball in the spring at the Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Coast.

“Our board serves as the vision-keepers who support our organization by advising, fundraising and monitoring its financial health,” Bababyi said.

Warren Haines, December volunteer of the month, spoke about membership and volunteering at the Susi Q.

“We need you,” he said. “We need you now.”

Dues are priced right and the perks are great, he said.

“Membership is free, and when your children don’t know what to do with you, the Susi Q is here,” he said.

The board is always looking for volunteers with special skills in finance, fundraising, events, marketing, program development, communications and computer technology.

Interested? There is an application form on the Laguna Beach Seniors Inc. website. Better yet, visit the Susi Q and see what you are missing.

Volunteers at the Susi Q include ambassadors like Warren Haines, who staff the front desk. They answer the phones, provide information and are the first people most visitors see when they enter the Susi Q.

Outreach volunteers visit or call seniors too frail to go out. The volunteers receive special training and are subject to background checks.

Library volunteers tend to the lending library, magazines and newspapers.

Day-of-Event volunteers helped out with the Legacy Ball and assisted Holiday Lunch co-Chairwomen Buckley and Terri Johnson, handing out the door prizes while plates laden with turkey, mashed potatoes, yams and dressing were served.

Donors to the opportunity and door prizes included items from 230 Forest Avenue, Cheesecake Factory, Cottage Restaurant, Fawn Memories, Horowitz, Laguna Beach Books, Laguna Drug, Laguna Beach Handbags, Laguna Playhouse, Madison Square & Garden Café, Ralphs, Ristorante Rumari, Salerno’s Restaurant, Sundried Tomato, Waste Management, White House Restaurant and Whole Foods Market.

The crowd was encouraged to shop at the establishments that supported the luncheon.

Karen McBride entertained with a medley of Christmas carols.

A voice teacher and performer, McBride was in the original cast of the well-loved, award-winning Laguna Playhouse musical production of “Quilters” — and no,l it was not a show about the well-known local family. “Quilters” told the stories of women’s lives through the quilts they sewed.

McBride adapted one of the popular Christmas songs to have a broader appeal.

“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” became “Have yourself a Merry Celebration,” urging recognition of folks of different faiths.

Karen and Jim McBride did a dramatic reading together of “The Night Before Christmas” and concluded the program with a sing-along of “Jingle Bells,” accompanied by tinkling keys.

Ah, but we aren’t done with the Quilter family. Patrick, the one who is seen in “Lagunatics” as iler Larsen or Homeless Man No. 1, announced a $5,000 challenge grant.

“If you want to rack up tax deductions, we’re the group,” he said

Laguna Community Foundation Chief Executive CEO Darrcy Loveland immediately picked up the challenge with a $1,000 pledge.

Jim McBride, City Councilman Kelly Boyd and Horowitz kicked in $500.

“Charlie’s in for $500,” said Ann Quilter.

McBride and Waste Management sparkplug Michelle Clark added $250 to the pot. No Square Theatre Founder Bree Burgess Rosen, Arts Commissioner Mary Ferguson and past seniors President Skipper Lynn each pledged $100.

The luncheon concluded with opportunity drawings.

Winners included Mayor Pro Tem Verna Rollinger, Michelle Boyd, Lee Winocur Fields, Rick Callahan, Dwayne Bickel and center volunteer Whitney Pavlic, who helped at the luncheon along with Program Director Mariann Tracy and Volunteer Coordinator Christine Brewer. Sande St. John handed over the handbag she won to Buckley.

On the luncheon guest list: Mayor Jane Egly, Councilwomen Elizabeth Pearson and Toni Iseman, City Clerk Martha Anderson, City Manager John Pietig, Deputy City Manager Christa Johnson, Judy Baker, Kay Wetzel, Emily Quilter and Patty Quilter, the city’s Susi Q coordinator.

Also: former seniors Executive Director Bea Fields, seniors advocate Marilyn Ditty, Connie Burlin, Carole Zavales. Friends of the Library stalwart Magda Herlicska, Bette Anderson, Rebecca Barber and Community Clinic Director Dr. Tom Bent, recovering from shoulder surgery.

OUR LAGUNA is a regular feature of the Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot. Contributions are welcomed. Email with Attn. Barbara Diamond in the subject line.
