
Naghavi to retire from City Hall

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Costa Mesa’s deputy CEO and economic development director announced his retirement in a memo sent to city employees Thursday.

Peter Naghavi, a city employee of more than 22 years, plans to leave City Hall on Dec. 4.

“I consider this organization a great place to work,” Naghavi wrote in a memo to staff. “Its employees are committed and experienced with a high level of quality and energy across every department. Costa Mesa residents are fortunate to have you.”

Naghavi came to Costa Mesa in 1990 after working in Somerville, Mass., a Boston suburb.

Since then, his duties have included serving as the transportation services manager, public services director and the interim assistant CEO.


In January, after a unanimous City Council vote, he was named the city’s first economic development director.

“Peter is the consummate professional, and the city and its residents were very fortunate to have his expertise, intelligence and compassion for more than two decades,” city CEO Tom Hatch said in a prepared statement. “Everyone at City Hall wishes Peter the very best as he plans his retirement.”

—Bradley Zint

Twitter: @bradleyzint
