84th Scottish Fest USA
Children and adults compete in a tug-of-war during the 84th annual Scottish Fest USA at the OC Fair & Event Center on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)
A competitor in the caber toss during the 84th annual Scottish Fest USA at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)
Christopher Lawrence, right, of Los Angeles and his son Duncan, 10, are instructed on Germany long swords by Colin Farabee, center, with South Coast Swords in Santa Ana during the 84th annual Scottish Fest USA on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)
Girls in the premier 7 and under category perform the Highland Fling in the FUSTA West Regional Championship competition during Scottish Fest USA in Costa Mesa on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)
Members of the Los Angeles Police Emerald Society Pipes & Drums perform at Scottish Fest USA at the OC Fair & Event Center on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)
Performer Christopher Yates, known by his stage name “Rusty Bawls,” of New Zealand juggles during the 84th annual Scottish Fest USA at the OC Fair & Event Center in Costa Mesa on Saturday. (Kevin Chang / Daily Pilot)