
H.B. council candidates make final fundraising push

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Fifteen candidates vying for four seats on the Huntington Beach City Council are making their final push for votes in the days before Tuesday’s election, with help from campaign funds raised in the latest reporting period.

Here is the campaign finance activity for the candidates, both for the filing period covering Sept. 23 through Oct. 20 and for the calendar year. Information was not available for candidates Darren Ellis, KC Fockler and Amory Hanson. Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar:

Brian Burley

  • Contributions received this period: $2,130
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $13,729
  • Expenditures made this period: $4,436
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $10,988
  • Beginning cash balance: $4,661
  • Ending cash balance: $2,355

Kim Carr

  • Contributions received this period: $3,570
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $17,104
  • Expenditures made this period: $7,197
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $15,085
  • Beginning cash balance: $7,449
  • Ending cash balance: $4,019

Carr received top donations from PACs including the Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn., Huntington Beach Police Officers’ Assn., Costa Mesa Firefighters Assn. and Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties.

Barbara Delgleize (incumbent)

  • Contributions received this period: $16,858
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $50,387
  • Expenditures made this period: $9,329
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $36,190
  • Beginning cash balance: $940
  • Ending cash balance: $8,469

Delgleize raised the most of any candidate during this filing period. Her top donors included Councilman Patrick Brenden, Code Four, a company that helped put on this year’s Great Pacific Airshow, and PACs such as the Lincoln Club of Orange County.

Dan Kalmick

  • Contributions received this period: $3,815
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $26,771
  • Expenditures made this period: $15,398
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $35,889
  • Beginning cash balance: $12,669
  • Ending cash balance: $1,137

PACs such as the Huntington Beach Firefighters Assn. and Costa Mesa Firefighters Assn. were among Kalmick’s top donors. He made an $8,515 payment to Huntington Beach Mailing Pros Inc. for addressing and postage.

Don Kennedy

  • Contributions received this period: $3,210
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $13,355
  • Expenditures made this period: $3,769
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $13,665
  • Beginning cash balance: $2,304
  • Ending cash balance: $1,745

Shayna Lathus

  • Contributions received this period: $2,113
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $28,613
  • Expenditures made this period: $10,039
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $26,127
  • Beginning cash balance: $11,354
  • Ending cash balance: $3,428

Lathus’ top donor was the Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties PAC.

Billy O’Connell (incumbent)

  • Contributions received this period: $4,290
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $70,627
  • Expenditures made this period: $14,129
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $35,499
  • Beginning cash balance: $51,987
  • Ending cash balance: $42,649

O’Connell’s top donors included Santa Ana-based ACI Jet-Orange County, the Assn. for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs PAC and the Costa Mesa Firefighters Assn. PAC.

Erik Peterson (incumbent)

  • Contributions received this period: $6,063
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $56,129
  • Expenditures made this period: $5,464
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $40,015
  • Beginning cash balance: $20,902
  • Ending cash balance: $21,501

Peterson’s biggest financial supporters included Huntington Beach-based Coastline Real Estate Investment.

Mike Posey (incumbent)

  • Contributions received this period: $9,400
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $63,830
  • Expenditures made this period: $10,549
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $26,072
  • Beginning cash balance: $28,782
  • Ending cash balance: $27,633

Huntington Beach-based companies such as Code Four and Premier Girls Fastpitch Inc. and the Irvine-based Lincoln Club PAC were among the top donors for Posey this period.

Charles Ray

  • Contributions received this period: $250
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $4,639
  • Expenditures made this period: $292
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $3,652
  • Beginning cash balance: $1,628
  • Ending cash balance: $1,586

Michael Simons

  • Contributions received this period: $5,333
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $16,235
  • Expenditures made this period: $3,650
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $10,055
  • Beginning cash balance: $6,052
  • Ending cash balance: $7,735

Simons made a $1,600 payment to a Long Beach-based voter guide slate card for campaign literature and mailings.

Ron Sterud

  • Contributions received this period: - $1,870
  • Contributions received this calendar year: $50,861
  • Expenditures made this period: $500
  • Expenditures made this calendar year: $37,728
  • Beginning cash balance: $14,157
  • Ending cash balance: $11,887

Sterud received $3,130 in contributions but paid off $5,000 in loans to himself.

Twitter: @vegapriscella
