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AT ISSUE: We asked readers should flight restrictions similar to

those at John Wayne be placed on the proposed El Toro airport? Here’s

what a few had to say.

I am a resident of the Bluffs area of Newport and have been subject to

John Wayne Airport noise for the last five years. Like anything else, one

becomes used to this inconvenience, except for the older airplanes which

make a racket.

As to the proposed El Toro airport, I strongly support the notion that

flights should, in fact, be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to no later

than 10 p.m. I would not want my fellow Orange County neighbors to have

to be subjected to any more than we are here in Newport Beach.

What’s fair is fair!

Further, it is my hope that should a joint organization be formed, that

the following be accomplished with respect to both John Wayne and El Toro

airports: Only planes with certain noise levels be allowed to use the

facilities; all of the older planes be banned from such use; and that the

present restrictions imposed upon John Wayne, due to expire in 2005, be

made permanent as to noise levels and takeoff and landing times.

Thank you for your consideration.


Newport Beach

When will the off-the-wall ideas about an El Toro airport cease? In my

travels to over 30 countries, I do not remember a major international

airport with restricted hours. Why not ask the airlines about the

practicality of limited hours? At the same time ask the airlines if they

are willing to maintain two facilities at two airports so close together.

Another off-the-wall idea was El Toro would reduce truck traffic,

bringing loads into this area. Tell me what will happen to goods landing

at El Toro, will they be distributed without trucks?

Why doesn’t the Pilot, as a public service, print a map showing how

the Orange County population is located in relationship to Ontario, Long

Beach and Los Angeles airports? Would El Toro be further from some people

then the existing other airports?

By the way, I have lived under the noise of John Wayne takeoffs for 10



Newport Beach

Certainly El Toro should have the same restrictions that John Wayne

has. After all, this is a business, we can run it very efficiently and

just put in the same restrictions.


Newport Beach

Should El Toro have the same flight restrictions as John Wayne? Yes, I

think that’s a great idea. I think it’s fair and I think it would really

be the way to get more support for the airport from South County

residents. So I’m glad to see someone’s thought of that.


Costa Mesa
