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As if being one day late on a story wasn’t enough, reporting crews for

the Orange County Newschannel had another embarrassing moment last week.

While covering the discovery of jumbo, glow-in-the-dark squid off the

coast of Newport Beach, which the Daily Pilot had reported the day

before, OCN ended up all wet.

A Balboa resident reported seeing one of the cameramen, as he was on the

docks filming the squid, fall into the harbor -- expensive camera

equipment and all.

And he thought no one noticed ...

A league of their own

At the last council meeting, Councilman Joe Erickson announced the

semiannual Save Our Youth softball game was coming up.

The event pits the children and teens of Save Our Youth against city

officials in a softball game. Erickson said the Save Our Youth players

are feeling a little bit cocky this year, despite losing at least three

times in a row now.

“I’ve told them that even with women council members on the team, we’ll

beat them again,” Erickson said.

The councilman’s comments drew a quick response from Councilwoman Heather

Somers, who reminded Erickson that it was the women council members who

“carried” the team to victory last year.


Newport-Mesa Unified School District Supt. Robert Barbot had reason to

celebrate this weekend. His son, Robert Barbot, got married Saturday in

Lake Tahoe. A contingent of guests from Newport-Mesa attended the

