
It’s beginning to look a lot like summer -- in October?

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Noaki Schwartz

BALBOA BEACH -- Looking across the clear blue sky and crystalline

waters, it could almost be summer.

But given this summer’s uncharacteristically cold weather and ocean

water plagued by ominous pollutants, for all we know, Friday’s 85-degree

temperatures could be perfectly normal.

And in fact, according to Stan Wasowski, a forecaster for the National

Weather Service -- it is.

“This is typical October weather in Southern California,” Wasowski


The warm weather is caused by a shift in pressure systems, Wasowski


“When the weather in the desert drops, the air gets pushed away toward

the coast,” he said. This causes temperatures along the coast to heat up.

Local businesses are welcoming the sunny skies, which are a boost for

a steadily slowing stream of customers.

“It has increased business,” said Holly Singh of Balboa Harbor Liquor.

“This summer was kind of slow.”

Other beachfront shop owners said they’re hoping that the warmer

weather will carry over into the weekend.

According to Wasowski, it should continue until Sunday.

“Expect at least one more full day,” he said.
