
Newport junior lifeguards named top in state

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-- Greg Risling

NEWPORT BEACH -- Two children who were enrolled in the city’s Junior

Lifeguard program will receive $500 savings bonds at a ceremony today,

recognizing them as the best in their lifesaving divisions.

Eleven-year-old Harrison Brown and 13-year-old Alli Manning were named

1999 California Junior Lifeguards of the Year in their respective age

divisions by the California Surf Life Saving Association.

Brow, who attends Kaiser Elementary School, won top honors in the 9- to

11-year-old division, while Manning was named the best in the 12- and

13-year-old class.

Both Brown and Manning submitted 200-word essays outlining reasons why

they should be awarded the honor. Instructors reviewed more than 200

essays from other applicants, but it was Brown’s and Manning’s that were

sent to the state lifesaving association with their recommendations.

The two Newport Beach residents will receive $500 savings bonds and

plaques detailing their achievement at a ceremony beginning at 11:30 a.m.

in Mission Viejo.

Reenie Boyer, who heads up the Newport junior lifeguard program, said the

awards give children an opportunity to excel outside the water.

“I think a lot of times the [junior lifeguard] program stresses the

physical and the competitiveness,” Boyer said. “Writing essays and being

in good attendance is a good way to express themselves in a different way

that is just as important.”

Manning’s essay reflects a different set of criteria in making her one of

the best in her class.

“I am not the fastest swimmer or the best runner,” the Corona del Mar

High School student wrote. “I know I’m not a super athletic person but I

still try my best anyway. Why? Because I know that I am representing my

city, Newport Beach.”

Brown touted a different feature that made him a good candidate for the


“Having a big heart goes a long way in becoming a lifeguard,” he wrote.

“My only wish is that junior guards was year-round, so I can have that

kind of fun every day.”

There are more than 15,000 junior lifeguards enrolled in programs across

the state. The program is designed to teach young children, ages 9 to 16,

about water safety and first aid.
