
On Campus

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We stopped by Wilson Elementary recently to ask students what qualities

were important in student leaders. Here’s what they had to say:

Jesse Guevara, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa:

“It is important to be truthful and to help others. I participate in

fund-raisers for the school so that we can raise money and go on field

trips. Last year we went to Sea World and camped in the mountains.”

Melissa Buchmann, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa

“A leader is someone who respects other people and their property. I

think being a student leader means acting as a good role model. For

example, listening to your teacher.”

Marlene Escalerar, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa

“Courage. Truth. Honor. I want to be a teacher when I grow up and these

skills will help me to become a good teacher one day. Showing respect for

family and friends is also an important quality.”

Javier Aranda, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa

“Student leaders get to help other people and that’s fun. Having good

skills will help me to do well in school and get good grades.”

Lizeth Zamora, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa

“Being truthful toward others is a good quality. For example, if someone

you know gets in trouble you still have to tell the truth. It is also

important not to get in fights -- verbal and physical -- and not to do

drugs. Right now drugs are not a big pressure but I know they will be

when I go into middle school.”

Jeannette Abrego, 10, fifth-grader, Costa Mesa

“Not getting in trouble by fighting with people. If I were to see people

fighting I would tell them to talk it over without bad words and fists.

We have a lot of fighting in our world between countries. It makes me sad

because innocent people get killed. If it were up to me I would tell

everyone to just get along.”
