
Moorlach endorses GOP Assembly candidate

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S.J. Cahn

COSTA MESA -- John Campbell, Republican candidate for the 70th Assembly

District, has received one of the county’s more conscientious

endorsements: County Treasurer John Moorlach.

Moorlach -- famous for predicting the county’s budget troubles before it

went bankrupt -- said he was cautious about making the endorsement

because he didn’t know Campbell prior to the start of the Irvine

resident’s campaign.

“I feel real comfortable with John,” Moorlach said, adding that he had

met with Campbell several times. “I certainly like the fact that he’s a

[certified public accountant]. That makes him kind of a kindred spirit.”

Moorlach said he hopes Campbell will bring a conservative fiscal

perspective to Sacramento.

“If John Campbell can make an impact on the dysfunctional tax system in

this state, that would be a major step,” Moorlach said.

He complained that there is no clear correlation between how taxes are

collected and what the money is spent on, making Orange County a “donor”

county that gives more in taxes than it receives from the state.

Campbell said he was “thrilled” to win Moorlach’s support.

“John is about as bright and energetic and principled fiscal conservative

out there,” Campbell said.

Moorlach’s endorsement of Campbell adds just about the last major name in

the county Republican party, with one exception: Assemblywoman Marilyn


Campbell and Brewer were scheduled to meet several weeks ago, but it was

canceled, Campbell said. They haven’t rescheduled yet.

Brewer could not be reached for comment about when she might make an


She doesn’t have much time, however. The last day to file to run is Nov.

10, and as of Tuesday, Campbell had no primary opponent.

While Campbell is hoping that will remain true, he will have Democratic

competition, said county Democratic Party chairwoman Jean Costales.

Laguna Beach attorney Merritt McKeon plans to file on Nov. 8 after she

returns from a business trip to Italy.

“We’re really pleased with her,” Costales said. “We hope that voters will

see we have the better candidate.”
