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Ellen McCarty

* Family status: Married, two stepsons.

* Age: 50

* Education: Bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University, doctorate from


* Present occupation: Assistant Superintendent, Business Services for the

Huntington Beach Union High School District.

* Explain your job: I oversee the business functions of the high school

district, including facilities.

* Your greatest achievement: A happy marriage.

* Personal motto: Be careful what you wish for.

* Most humbling moment: My healthy, athletic sister had a heart attack

two years ago at age 51.

* Your greatest extravagance: I have never seen a pair of shoes I didn’t


* The most influential book you’ve read: Les Miserables.

* What cassette or compact disc is in your car right now? Encore Provence

by Peter Mayle.

* Your most treasured possession: My grandmother’s clock that my father

handed down to me.

* Which words or phrase do you overuse? Y’all.

* What can you cook? My husband raves about my stir-fried scallops and


* A habit you wish you could control: Eating the goodies around the


* The college major you almost chose: Theater Arts.

* Your last charitable act: Walking precincts for the school band.

* As a child, what did schoolmates tease you about? My curly hair.

* What is in your trunk right now? Pictures of school repair problems.

* The first thing that attracted you to your partner or spouse: His


* The worst idea you ever had: I tried to prepare a “Julia Child” dinner

party for six in my tiny kitchen.

* What would you have been voted in high school: Most studious.

* Who are your heroes? My mother, my stepmother and my mother-in-law.

* Favorite escape from reality: Catalina Island.

* One thing you would change about the world if you could: No one would

ever be without a loving relationship in their life.

* Your idea of exercise: Walking to dinner at our local Italian


* What do you dislike most about your appearance? Wrinkles.

* I have a dream that: Measure A will pass on Nov. 9 by 95%.

* Phone or address where you can be reached: 964-3339 or
