
Mailbag - Nov. 4, 1999

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It’s very evident to me when I read the Natural Perspective column on

Dakota the Bear, that indeed someone should be held very accountable,

namely both Dominic Menaldi and Randy Miller (“The bear bore the pressure

-- who’s to blame?” Oct. 28).

These men have no interest or compassion for the well-being and dignity

of this animal. They were merely interested in a buck. I hope they are

prosecuted to the full extent of the law, which will probably be a slap

on the hand. Our animal rights laws are very weak and definitely need to

be changed to stop these incidents. It all sounds very frivolous to most

folks, but the terror and discomfort this animal felt cannot be

underestimated. Dakota is sacred but sadly wasn’t treated as such. I hope

Menaldi and Miller search their conscience and never treat an animal this

way again.


Huntington Beach

Redistricting makes sense

I’ve just finished reading Ron Davis’ Oct 21 article on redistricting

(Through My Eyes, “The best way to distribute the City Council is a


As usual, this man makes sense, and we need representation from all over

Huntington Beach. All the people need a council member to speak with if

there is a situation in their area, not a person who may live several

miles away from the problem.

Ron Davis has the right solution.

By the way, Ron Davis’ writings are usually very insightful and cause me

to think. Thank goodness for his articles. They’re the best in your



Huntington Beach
