
MAILBAG - Nov. 6, 1999

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The Irvine Co. is to be commended for taking steps to mitigate non-storm

season urban runoff into two channels draining into Crystal Cove

(“Crystal Cove runoff could go through sewage system,” Oct. 27).

Diversion of these two drainage areas into sewer facilities during dry

weather is a step in the right direction. However, as a regular exerciser

at the Crystal Cove beach, I note three other areas between Los Trancos

Creek and Treasure Cove at Pelican Point where county signs have

identified polluted water running out of the bluffs. I am informed there

are others.

My preliminary inquiries disclosed that bluff drainage is runoff from the

inland and shore-side golf course (pesticides and fertilizers, etc.) and

the Promontory Point neighborhood (residues of spilled vintage wine,

gourmet takeout and other urban runoff). I hope the Irvine Co. and

appropriate agencies will be mindful of the importance of mitigating

drainage dangers across the entire park and not just the area receiving

current public attention because of the proposed 800-home subdivision and

related commercial developments.

Crystal Cove Park is aptly named. Appropriate steps should be taken to

assure the accuracy of this designation.


Corona del Mar
