
COMMUNITY & CLUBS -- jim de boom

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ROTARY HONORS EIGHT: Newport-Balboa Rotary Club international

service director Frank Anderson and club president Jim Sirkin presented

Paul Harris Fellow Awards to eight people at the club’s foundation

dinner. Dotty Campbell, wife of Rotarian and past club president Andy

Campbell, was first to receive the Paul Harris pin, medallion and

certificate from the Rotary International Foundation.

Those honored for their contributions to the community and the

development of youth included former Daily Pilot editor Bill Lobdell;

Balboa Theater board president Dayna Pettit; Newport Harbor High School

counselor Dan Princotto; Ensign Middle School teacher Mike McGuire;

Harbor area entertainer Jim Roberts; former Newport Chamber board

president Bob Black and former school administrator Scott Paulson, who

continues to be a leader in the education field.

The Newport-Balboa Rotary Club contributed a minimum of $1,000 in the

name of each honoree to the Rotary International Foundation to help fund

a variety of projects, including a $1-billion worldwide polio eradication

effort, $22,500 scholarships for some 1,400 students to study abroad and

480 Group Study Exchange five-member teams to study for a month in a

country other than their own.


Officer of the Year for the Newport Beach Police Department by Chief Bob

McDonnell at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Newport-Irvine. Byington is

the senior member of the department’s SWAT team and is assigned as a

narcotics detective.

ALL ABOUT ANGELS: The women of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will

hold a boutique from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. today with a variety of handcrafted

holiday items, including ornaments, centerpieces, and gift items. They

are offering free refreshments and, naturally, angel food cake, along

with coffee or tea. The church is at 798 Dover Drive, Newport Beach.

THE BEST SHOW ON TV: As a family, we take our break from Monday

Night Football at 8 p.m. and turn on “7th Heaven” on KTLA-Channel 5 to

watch what we consider the best program on TV. There is gripping drama, a

lot of laughs and even some tears in the show about a minister, his wife

and seven children. This past week, two of the children who were dealing

with a problem talked to a Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi and Buddhist

monk, each of whom encouraged them to talk with their parents. Every

week, “7th Heaven” deals with the kind of problems that families face

daily and the kind of values more of us should live by.

CLUB NEWS: Fifty-five youngsters signed up for a tutoring program

at Costa Mesa High School Library being coordinated by Ron Channels of

the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club.

A number of members of the Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Club

served up a Thanksgiving lunch at the Community Center of Santa Ana. At 9

p.m. we returned to watch the balance of Monday Night Football and found

we hadn’t missed any of the football action.


by Jim de Boom, and Russell Williams, sponsored by Eric Rick Williams,

both who joined the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club. Eunice Thomason, who

joined the Harbor Mesa Lions Club.

WORTH REPEATING: From the newsletter of the Newport Beach-Corona

del Mar Kiwanis Club, the Scuttlebutt ... “A government that robs Peter

to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”

SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK: Want to get more involved in your

community, make new friends, network, or to give something back to your

community? Try a service club! You are invited to attend a club meeting

this week. Many clubs will buy your first guest meal for you.

MONDAY -- 7 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa Lions Club meets at Mimi’s Cafe for a

business meeting.

TUESDAY -- 7:30 a.m.: The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Club meets at the

Balboa Bay Club. 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Club will

meet at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club for a visit by District 4-L4

Governor Ken Martin.

WEDNESDAY -- 7:15 a.m.: The South Coast Metro Rotary Club will meet at

the Center Club. Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club meets at the University

Athletic Club. Noon: The Exchange Club of Orange Coast meets at the

Newport Beach Yacht Club. 6 p.m.: The Newport-Balboa Rotary meets at the

Bahia Corinthian for a fellowship night.

* COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published every Saturday in the Daily Pilot. Send

your service club’s meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667, e-mail

to o7 jdeboom@aol.comf7 or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol, Suite 201,

Newport Beach 92660-1740.
