
NOTEBOOK -- william lobdell

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The annual Thanksgiving tradition continues. The people in the

Newport-Mesa community I’m thankful for (whether they know it or not):

Gary Adams, Jo Ellen Allen, Mark Andrews, Ron Arko, Rob Barbot, Marian

and Garth Bergeson, the Beshores, Jeff Bettiti, Danny Bibb, Marla Bird,

Jim Birtchfield, Joey Bishop, Dana Black, Mrs. Boeck, Gordon Bowley,

Reenie Boyer, Charlie Brande, Marilyn Brewer, Marty Brower ...

David Brooks, Peter Buffa, Spencer Burke, Bob Burnham, Jody Campbell, the

Cantwells, Roger Carlson, David Carmichael, Jim Carnett, the Celeks, the

Christesons, Steve Churm, Bill Cote, Libby Cowan, Chris Cox, John and

Donna Crean, the Daily Pilot staff (news assistants, columnists,

reporters, photographers, editors, designers and my assistant, Kerry

Flynn) ...

Jim Dale, John Dean, the Deardorffs, Jan Debay, Byron de Arakal, the de

Booms, Linda Dixon, Marshall Duffield, Mrs. Duncan, Jack Dwan, The

Ericksons, Werner Escher, the Edwards, Tom Edwards, Barry Faulkner, Ed

Fawcett, the Fergusons, Jim Ferryman, Martha Fluor, Jean and Frank

Forbath, Judy Franco, the Friends, Judy Frutig, Judge Gardner, Jackie

Gillis ...

Norma Glover, Mike Goulsbee, Ms. Gralow, Margaret Gratton, the Gronskys,

Bill Hamilton, Evelyn Hart, Merle Hatleberg, Jackie Heather, Del Heintz,

the Helfriches, the Hewitts, Rush Hill, Richard Holmes, Mary Hornbuckle,

the Huffmans, Carol Humphreys, Tom Johnson, Ross Johnson, the Kenneys,

LaDonna Kienitz, the Kranzleys ...

Lucille Kuehn, the (Drew) Lawlers, the (Michael) Lawlers, Wendy Leece,

Barbie Ludovise, Richard Luehrs, Steve Marble, Mariners families,

Mariners Foundation parents, Erica Marson, Bob McDonell, Karen McGlinn,

Mrs. McLaughlin, Lauri Mendenhall, the Michaelsens, Mark Miller, Valerie

Mitchell, Gary Monahan, Linda Mook, the Moorlachs, Kevin Murphy, the

Mulls, Mrs. Newman, Ted Newland, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa literacy

volunteers, Newport Beach and Costa Mesa police officers and

firefighters, the Normandins, John Noyes ...

John O’Brien, Trudy Ohlig-Hall, Bonnie O’Neil, Brian O’Neil, Denny

O’Neil, Sueann Pacini, the Pages, the Panians, Mrs. Ehret, Elizabeth

Parker, Scott Paulsen, the Petros, Dayna Pettit, Bill Popejoy, Beverly

Ray, Craig Reem, the Ridgeways, Tim Riley, the Robinsons, the Rodheims,

Allan Roeder, Dana Rohrabacher, Vicki Ronaldson, the Roots, St. Andrew’s

Sunday school teachers, the Salatas, Phil Sansone ...

Marie Schock, Gus Santoyo, Oscar Santoyo, Mrs. Scheer, Henry Schielein,

the Segerstrom family, Kim Seidenberg, Sally Shea, Garry Short, Jim

Silva, the Skinners, Dave Snowden, Heather Somers, the Stassels, Leigh

Steinberg, Jenifer Stevens, Serene Stokes ...

Ken Stuart, Bonnie Swan, Judy Sweeney, the Tellers, Larry Thomas, Tom

Thomson, The Times newsroom folks, the Tinglers, Roger Tirabassi, Jim

Toledano, Clarence Turner, Bill Voit, the gang at Wahoo’s, Jean Watt, the

Webbs, the Wights, Rosalind Williams, Karen Wilson, Tom Wilson, Jim and

Nikki Wood, Mrs. Wood, David Wooten, Forrest Wylder, Bob Wynn, the (John)

Yeagers, the (Kurt) Yeagers, Catherine Yarnovich, Barry Zanck, Larry

Zeman, Gloria Zigner and all the Daily Pilot advertisers and readers.

And my family: Greer, Taylor, Tristan, Matthew and Oliver (arriving


Happy Thanksgiving.

* WILLIAM LOBDELL is editor of Times Community News. His e-mail address

is o7 bill.lobdell@latimes.comf7 .
