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* The sound of breaking glass or other loud explosive noises could mean

an accident, housebreaking or vandalizing.

* Persons loitering around schools, parks, secluded areas or in the

neighborhood could be sex offenders.

* Nearly half of the burglaries committed are without force, that is,

through UNLOCKED doors and windows.

* Always lock your doors and windows even when leaving for just a minute

or when working in your own backyard.

* Whenever you move to a new home, have the locks changed.

* If strangers call or come to your door, don’t admit your are alone.

* Don’t let any stranger into your home -- no matter what the reason or

how dire the emergency is supposed to be. Make the emergency phone call

while they wait outside.

* If you live in an apartment, avoid being in the laundry room or garage

by yourself, especially at night.

* Install a peephole viewer in your door. NEVER open your door without

knowing who is on the other side.
