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If you live in an apartment, avoid being in the laundry room or garage by

yourself, especially at night.

Install a peephole viewer in your door. Never open your door without

knowing who is on the other side.

Whenever possible, travel with a friend. Keep your car in good working

order, especially before long trips, and the gas tank at least half full.

Stay in well-lighted areas as much as possible when walking at night.

Avoid walking alone or with your hands full.

Walk confidently, directly and at a steady pace on the side of the street

facing traffic. Criminals look for someone who appears vulnerable.

Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where attackers

can hide.

If a car appears to be following you, turn and walk in the opposite

direction or walk on the other side of the street.

If you are in danger, scream and run, or yell “fire.” Run toward lights

or people.

Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car. Don’t leave

valuables in plain view.
