
Protector of cats faces jail time, fine

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Greg Risling

COSTA MESA -- A woman who was cited for having too many cats in her home

has pleaded no contest to the charges.

Patricia Hotz may face jail time and a $1,000 fine if she isn’t able to

find suitable homes for the 40-some felines by March 30. Superior Court

Judge Frances Munoz said if the defendant can reduce the number of pets,

the charges will be dropped.

“We’ve finally come to a solution,” said Hotz’s attorney, Bill Urban. “My

client felt it was a good compromise. Now it’s a matter of finding a good

environment for the cats. That is the key.”

Hotz, who initially had more than 50 pets in her home when she was cited

last May, has attempted to locate prospective owners. Unfortunately, many

of Hotz’s cats are older. Most people look for kittens or younger cats.

Some of the cats were strays left on the street. Hotz has taken them in

and cared for them. She’s been a feline-friendly owner for more than 20


But animal control officials were concerned with the number of cats. The

city’s allowable limit is four. Since she faced an earlier deadline of

Dec. 30, Hotz has had 10 of her cats euthanized. She has reduced the

number of her pets by half since the citation was issued.

Hotz couldn’t be reached for comment Friday.

All of her cats are spayed and neutered and she is still looking for more

homes. Urban said he has received a number of calls from people willing

to help.

“If we can find suitable homes where the cats will be taken good care of,

I think everyone involved will be happy with the outcome,” Urban

