
Titans claim a title

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The Titans, a AYSO boys Under-12 team out of Region 117 (Huntington

Beach/Fountain Valley), came together as a team during the past three

weeks, and the end result netted the group an Area 11-K tournament


The Titans, who will compete March 4-5 at the Sectional tournament at UC

Irvine, stormed past their five area opponents, outscoring them, 23-4.

Victims included Region 5 (Fountain Valley), 5-2, Region 517 (Santa Ana),

4-0, Region 143 (West Huntington Beach), 8-0, Region 56, 3-1, and Region

55 (North Huntington Beach), 3-1.

“No one player on this team deserves all the credit to himself. This was

was a total team effort,” Titans Coach Bob De Crescentis said. “These

boys understand that 11 (players) on the field, working together, is

stronger than three or four (players).”

Members of the Titans include Travis Anderson, Kyle Bray, Tony Carlucci,

Eddie Clark, Corey Czuczka, R.J. Davis, John De Crescentis, Andy Lesser,

Jordan Marquette, Addison Miller, Derek Rosa, Jeff Spirk, Daniel Walck,

and Coach Leanne De Crescentis.

“It has been a great experience being able to coach such a fine group of

young men,” Bob De Crescentis said. “I tip my hat to their families.”
