
MAILBAG - March 30, 2000

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I’ve been a resident and homeowner of Huntington Beach for 29 years. Both

of my sons have been born and raised in Huntington Beach. I’d like to be

in favor of the additional funding raised for the Take the Plunge


Swimming is one of the most health-building, endurance-building,

mind-expanding exercises that ever could be performed. I have been a

swimmer all my life. I began swimming at 9, and swimming has become a

great asset to my life with some of the physical disabilities that I have


I do hope that they continue this project and that the money will be

raised. I feel it will be of great benefit to our youth in this city. I

see a lot of disillusioned, bored youth. I hire people from the various

high schools to do yard work for me and talk with them. This would be a

wonderful project for them.

Activist says Ducheny bill a bad dream

Ducheny’s bill, AB2310, is a horror story for the Coastal Act and the


It adds four more reasons to fill in a wetland and restore [it] somewhere


Excuse me, [Assemblywoman Denise] Ducheny (R-San Diego) -- we have

already lost 97% of the wetlands. Where are you going to restore the ones

you now want to fill in?

The wetlands are the lungs for the ocean. Wetlands have spongy soil that

absorbs and cleans up all the impurities from runoff before the

contaminated water reaches the ocean. This bill wants to add four more

reasons to fill wetlands.

They are: residences, roads, golf courses and bus stops.

Anyone else feel like AB2310 was thought up in the developers back room?

Timing is everything, and now is the time. Please, write the governor or

your Assembly person and ask him or her to vote against AB2310.
