
Local man arrested on suspicion of murder

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Sue Doyle

COSTA MESA -- A Costa Mesa man was arrested Thursday on suspicion of

murder in connection with a Huntington Park methamphetamine lab explosion

Wednesday that left one man dead.

Huntington Park police, decked out in full riot gear, stormed through a

neighborhood in the 800 block of Congress Street with an armored vehicle

and arrested Juan Sandoval, 24.

Police said they suspect Sandoval had a hand in the death of an

unidentified 21-year-old man who died in a hospital early Thursday after

his entire body was severely burned in an explosion Wednesday at a

Huntington Park apartment complex.

The blast and the resulting fire, which forced more than 20 people to

evacuate their homes, was the result of a methamphetamine lab blowing up

inside one of the apartments, police said.

Sandoval is being held in Huntington Park City Jail without bail.

Prosecutors are expected to review the case Monday.

Authorities said they discovered a lease agreement with Sandoval’s name

on it at the scene of the explosion. However, the investigation is still

ongoing, they said.

“The extent of his involvement is still being investigated,” said

Huntington Park Police Sgt. Cosme Lozano. “Charges may be filed as soon

as Tuesday.”

Police searched Sandoval’s residence and a second Congress Street home

Thursday and recovered seven rifles and shotguns.

The raid was a frightening disruption on a usually quite street.

Neighbors watched in shock as the tank -- filled with police in riot gear

-- rolled down their street at about noon Thursday.

Officials phoned Sandoval’s home and used a loudspeaker to order the

inhabitants outside, said Huntington Park Police Lt. Kenneth Rulon. Along

with Sandoval, a handful of men, women and some children walked out of

the house. They remained outside and were questioned while authorities

searched the residence.

Police brought in extra personnel because they were unsure what would

transpire during the arrest.

“We don’t know who we’re dealing with and this could be potentially

dangerous,” Rulon said.

Neighbors peered from windows to catch a glimpse of the arrest. Others

recorded the event with movie cameras. Some gathered in clusters and

guessed at what was happening. Many said they were too scared to comment

for fear of a retaliation.

Next-door neighbor Steven Fodor said two officers with guns jumped over

his fence. Fodor said he feared for the safety of his two dogs, so he

quietly brought them inside and then stood near a window to watch.

Fodor said he did not know his neighbors personally, except for the

occasional neighborly greeting.
