
Garofalo recall effort moves ahead

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-- Tariq Malik

HUNTINGTON BEACH -- Recall efforts against Mayor Dave Garofalo are

again moving forward after they were stalled last month.

City Clerk Connie Brockway said she received the required documents

Monday: a petition signed by 30 residents supporting the recall effort

and a statement of intent. The paperwork also verified that Garofalo

received a copy of the original recall documents.

Sandra Cole, a 40-year resident and member of the city’s Mobile Home

Advisory Board, is spearheading effort.

She first presented the intent to recall Garofalo during the public

comments portion of the Oct. 16 City Council meeting, but the efforts hit

a snag when she failed to get proof of delivery.

While the recall statement accuses Garofalo of profiting from city

contracts, among other claims, the mayor has said he’s proud of his time

on and off the City Council.

Brockway said the next step is for Cole to publish the recall

statement in a local newspaper and draw up a petition to be signed by 10%

of the city’s registered voters, a figure that will be calculated after a

final petition form is approved. If enough signatures are gathered,

voters will decide if Garofalo should be recalled at a special election

in the spring.
